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Orders of St.Francis in Poland

St. Francis of AssisiŚw.Franciszek z Asyżufounded 3 Orders

I zakon OFM

under construction yet



II zakon - Klaryski III zakon - Tercjarze

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Fr. Konwentualni

              3 Provinces


5 Provinces

Fr. Kapucyni

        2 Provinces

Prowincja Wniebowzięcia NMP - Panewniki Province of St. Jadwiga Province of Immaculate Conception

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Province of Our Lady of the Angels Province of St. Francis
Province of St. Michael in UKRAINE


Franciscan groups and organizations - Youth etc.

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Some interesting subjects on franciscan sities

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Franciscan Study Centre (ISF)

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Important sites from other countries

The OFM General Kuria in Rome

Franciscan Renewal Center in Arizona - and their websitelinks

Main site of OFM &  Province of Immaculate Conception (Bernardines) edited by Fr. Julian  Smierciak ofm - please, send any information, suggestion or correction to: